Tired of not having control over your code?

Drive for Add-ons.

Saves your Add-ons Apps Script to Google Drive after every save.

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Built Out Of Need

Building any sufficiently large Google Docs Add-on requires that you put it into version control in order to maintain quality. I needed this, so I built it.

Bookmarklet Magic

Add this bookmarklet to your browser and click it every time you open your project. When you save a file, it will update the new copy in Google Drive. Now you can put it in git!

Drive 4 Add-ons

Drag this button to your Bookmarks Bar

Win at Life

This awesome bookmarklet will astonish all of your friends. You'll see. Be prepared for fame and fortune. This also serves as a great example of how to add functionality to a web page.

We maintain a large codebase inside a Google Docs Add-on and the lack of version control was a nightmare. This bookmarklet saved my life.

Jeff Loiselle